
Down Under

A few firsts have come and gone in my apparent blogging absence, not boding well for my promised career as web-alt-entertainer.

After spending a month locked up in the heavily armed hills of Calabasas and another one romancing an edit bay, I've finally started going out (made possible mainly due to the end of my first project here, hooray-hooray/fuck me I gotta find a new job). It was a nice weekend to be had, starting on Thursday with my first official outing: A visit to a speakeasy located downtown, where you can freely smoke both tobacco and pottage and have a generally good and pretentious time. The place itself serves as an impressive art gallery by day, and its basement is used as a bar on Thursday nights. I will say I was impressed by my surroundings - less so by the constantly hip crowd (more on hipster-hate: later). The music was good but loud, as in "now I can practice my lip-reading" loud. Not that I terribly regret missing out on the conversation - my buddy from work and I were accompanied by 3 mediocre females, one of which wore a Kimono. I think that about sums it up.

Friday: Blackalicious at The El-Rey Theatre. Had to do that one solo, not the preferable mode but I sacrificed for Gab. Which is probably why I was disappointed with a performance I had to try too hard to enjoy. The sound was not ideal, though the venue itself is cool enough with an old theatre ambiance and a classic marquee outside. However, my mood was again tarnished mainly by the people surrounding me. There are very few things I find more disturbing than a large group of white people pumping their hands up and down in that classic hip-hop move, no matter how much they're encouraged to do so by Gift of Gab. 1st opening act Pigeon Johnny (from "Side to Side" fame) was a nice surprise, delivering an energetic, raw and amusing performance, but the reuniting of 2nd act Pharcyde and a surprise appearance by a member of Jurassic 5 were lost on me. Add to that the guys were doing too much Blazing Arrow and not enough The Craft and NIA, and the show was a definite letdown. They did have a schizo-cool keyboard player and of course I got a t-shirt out of the whole mess.

New Year's was a definite nice one, best described as so: Drinking beer and playing bowling on Nintendo Wii. Can't remember the last time I got drunk on beer, but once I manage to hit that magic beer number, I'm a goner.

Must move to the city if I want a life. Must figure out what to do about work (several possibilities, nothing set in stone - but nothing ever is in this town). Must find women who are willing to sleep with me, or money to pay one to do so.

Next time: At least an attempt at some insight. Scout's honor.


To Every End...

Welcome to my mind. Not always a pleasant or exciting place, but it's mine and I'm quite fond of it.

What can you expect:
Having recently moved to LA, I'll probably talk quite a bit about my fresh experiences and numerous firsts, along the lines of "first iMDB credit" and "first trans gender hooker" (both of those WILL happen, the only question is: Which will come first?).

You can expect me to mostly be myself and only occasionally settle for anything else.

You can expect an opinionated point of view, thinly disguising my own fears and insecurities. Rarely, it may also be valid.

You can expect me to be fairly balanced - but never fair.

You can expect me to talk about whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want to talk about it (also: expect me to demonstrate my assertiveness and roguish spirit every now and then).

Mainly, you can expect to hear a lot about me - it's not necessarily my favorite subject, but it's the one I'm most knowledgeable about (a perfect excuse as any).
